Teams / Équipes
Happening April 6 to 9 in Montréal Québec, the National Championship brings together Canada's top teams as they compete for the title of national champions. This event showcases the sport at its highest level as it has evolved into an ever-growing competitive sport with a wonderfully inclusive community filled with dedicated athletes.
Ayant lieu du 6 au 9 avril à Montréal (Québec), le championnat national rassemble les meilleures équipes du Canada qui s'affrontent pour le titre de champion national 2023. Cet événement met en valeur le sport à son plus haut niveau, alors qu'il a évolué en un sport de compétition en pleine croissance avec une communauté merveilleusement inclusive remplie d'athlètes dévoués.
Disclosure: Please note that the texts below were not edited, they are the original texts provided by the teams. Thank you.
Note : Veuillez noter que les textes ci-dessous n'ont pas été édités, il s'agit des textes originaux fournis par les équipes. Merci de votre compréhension.

Participating Teams
Find out which teams will be representing their provinces this year!
Pool A
Amiralys (QC 1)
Bloom (BC 1)
Nightmare (MB 3)
Obsessed (ON 3)
Phenomena (AB 3)
Rack Attack (AB 1)
Rainbow Thunder (MB 2)
Valkyrie (ON 1)
Pool B
Avonlea Armada (PEI 1)
Edmonton Thunder (AB 2)
Hyper (BC 2)
Kaffeine & Co (QC 2)
Reckless (ON 2)
Rogue (MB 1)
Sirens (NS 1)
Storm (SK 1)
Pool A
Black Flag (PEI 2)
Harfangs (QC 1)
Havok (SK 2)
Mavericks (ON 1)
Melee (ON 4)
Mint (AB 1)
Vendetta (BC 2)
Zenith (MB 3)
Pool B
Dark Horse (MB 2)
Diabolique (QC 2)
Fury (ON 2)
Future (AB 2)
Hard as Foam (BC 1)
Khaos (SK 1)
Leviathan (NB 1)
Tritons (NS 1)
Pool C
Fresh (AB 3)
Hyper (BC 3)
Immortels (QC 3)
New Era (MB 1)
Northern Touch (ON 5)
Riptide (PEI 1)
Saiyan Elite DC (ON 3)
Surge (NS 2)
A province's position in the rankings is determined by its performance at the previous National Championship.
A team's placement, within those rankings, is determined by that team's performance in their 2023 provincial qualifiers.
The organizing committee reserves the right to make changes to ensure a balanced regional distribution across team groupings.