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Pool A

Diabolique (QC 4)
Explosion (NS 1)
Fury (ON 1)

Onslaught (AB 4)
Phantoms (ON 6)
Riptide (PEI 1)

Vendetta (BC 3)

Vengeance (MB 3)


Pool B

Barre Tendresse (QC 2)

Future (AB1)

Instinct (AB 3)

Khaos (SK 2)
Nocturnals (BC 4)
Quake (ON 5)
Rampage (ON 2)

Zeal (MB 2)

Pool C

Black Flag (PEI 2)

Harfangs (QC 1)
Havok (SK 1)
Nemesis (BC 2)
New Era (MB 1)

Sassquatch (ON 9)

Titans (AB 5)
Z Warriors (ON 3)


Pool D

Apex (MB 4)

Hard as Foam (BC 1)

Mavericks (ON 4)
Mint (AB 2)

Northern Touch (ON 7)

Resistance (QC 3)

Ruckus (ON 8)

Uprising (MB 5)


Pool A 

Amiralys (QC 1)
Hyper (BC 2)
Mafia (ON 4)

Marvel (BC 4)
Rack Attack (AB 1)
Rainbow Thunder (MB 2)
Reckless (ON 1)

Rogue (MB 1)

Ruthless (ON 5)

Storm (SK 1)
Supernova (AB 3)


Pool B 

Avonlea Armada (PEI 1)
Bloom (BC 3)

Monarque (QC 2)

Phoenix  (MB 3)

Ravens (MB 4)
Reign (BC 1)
Scotia Sirens (NS 1)

Thunder  (AB 2)
Unleashed (ON 2)

Valkyrie (ON 3)

Vortex (SK 2)


To see scheduling information you can visit the Tournament page



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